scientific authoring at the summer of code?

Pol xtekhne at
Wed Mar 11 22:44:10 UTC 2009

I would like to suggest developers to consider designing a powerful
environment for scientific text authoring, centrered around the lyx editor. 
Will you please forward my request to the most interested developers?

In my view, authors should be able work on lyx texts together with
applications for automatic symbolic/numeric computations (maxima,
mathematca, maple, mathlab, etc), geometrical contructions (geogebra, etc),
plotting graphs (gnuplot, etc)
Moreover, since lyx is planned to switch to a suitable xml native format, in
the next future (i guess in one year), it might be interesting having
konqueror able to render lyx text. 
Further developments could deal with format conversion with koffice, for a
well specified set of latex classes. 

I would be glad to contribute to such project, as user.

thank you

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