Not Kubuntu Specific: NachOS on Ubuntu?

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Tue Mar 10 23:27:28 UTC 2009

Glen Barber wrote:
> Hello, list.
> I know this isn't KDE/Kubuntu specific, but perhaps I'll get lucky
> asking here.
> I'm trying to get NachOS to compile on Kubuntu 8.04, and am having a
> terrible time with it.  The errors I receive indicate to me that far
> too much has changed in gcc since NachOS was last updated (1995, from
> what I can tell).
> Short of building an older version of gcc, anyone have any luck with
> NachOS on (K)Ubuntu?

Are you referring to ?
I've never heard of this before, but it's not clear from that site that
there has /ever/ been an actual release for GNU/Linux, only patches.

And the linux.patch
( is not a
diff patch but verbal instructions...

I was able to make some progress, but I got stuck on the assembly.

Matt Flaschen

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