printer problem

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Mon Mar 9 19:57:23 UTC 2009

On Monday 09 March 2009 17:42:52 kubuntu-users-request at wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Since a couple of weeks I too have a problem with CUPS. I have printers
> > installed for my home and 2 office locations. Previously the print box
> > would open without problem, but no it takes ages to do so. I now have a
> > printers.conf file for my home and office locations and I copy them to
> > printers.conf depending on the location I am and restart cups. Only like
> > this it works OK.
> Does it erase your "printers.conf" file?  And where did you get your new
> file that you copy in?  It seems /etc/cups/printers.conf
> and /etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc are both blank on this machine so something
> is not getting written on startup right?  I don't remember a cups update
> but there was a kernel one a couple weeks ago wasn't there?    Yours sounds
> like the same problem if I just hit the print button.  Do you use HPLIP as
> well?  ...Or just Cups?

I just use cups and my printers.conf is not empty. I have created from the 
original printers.conf file a file printers.conf.home for working at home and 
2 others for the office locations. So I just copy the one I need and restart 
cups. My problems started a couple of weeks ago and I think it is related to 
cups browsing for the printers for availability and it just waits for 
timeouts. It did not do that before and it is _very_ annoying.


Alain MULS                                 alain.muls at
CISS-GENA                                           +32.2.7426340
Renaissance Avenue 30
1000 BRUSSELS - Belgium
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