Compositing too slow

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Jun 19 21:23:53 UTC 2009

On Thursday 18 June 2009 03:24:53 am Georgi Kourtev wrote:
> Since the upgrade to 4.2.90 I have constantly the message "Compositing too
> slow and disabled' few minutes after I open the laptop and start using
> KMail. Seconds before the message appears the overall delay in any
> operation in Kmail (including typing) is more than 5 seconds.p is sluggish 
too, but it is an old P4 1.8mhz with only 512mb of ram, so I have gotten used 
to it.  My newest computer is a quad with 8gb of ram, and while it was working 
I got used to things happening with out delay.

My keys print slow.  If I delete by hitting the backspace key, when I let up 
on the back-space key it continues to delete letters, sometimes for quite an 
amount of data before the lag catches up.  It is frustrating, but I am aware 
that I will soon have to upgrade my laptop if I want to use it. 

When I type, I get way ahead of the print going in, so it is a problem.  Many 
times I read the words as I type looking for typos.  When I am far ahead, a 
lot of the time I will stop and wait for the letters to catch up.  If this is 
what you mean, I am right with you and will join in your search for a 
solution.  if not, I have a lot of other pressing problems that require the 
little focus I have.  Nonetheless, I want to help if I can.

I lost part of one of my fingers that is quite important when I type numerical 
information.  It doesn't have feeling and of course doesn't reach properly, so 
I tend to make a lot of mistakes.  That is why I read for accuracy so much, 
and am really affected by a sluggish keyboard.  If I did not have the short 
finger, I would probably type about 100wpm, but with it and corrections it is 
about half that, expecially when I am using keys where I have to reach.  The 
short finger pulls my hand completely out of position, and I have to guess 
where to put it when I come back to the basic position.  in that zone, I don't 
make mistakes with the short finger and they fly.

Let me know how I can help you.

> Does anyone else have this issue?  Any ideas what can cause the problem?
> Thanks.
> gk

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