Backup with rsnapshot

Willy Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Thu Jun 18 14:04:52 UTC 2009

2009/6/18 Anthony E. Caudel <tony.caudel at>
> I use rsnapshot to back my system.  I currently backup my home
> directory, /var, and /etc.  Can anyone recommend anything additional
> to backup?

it's a very personal matter of what to backup, i have a /sharedstuff
directory i always need to be backed up. if you need only your
personal stuff, that's all you need. i have 3 backup setups here:
* /home, /sharedtuff and excluding /home/willy/Music is one, and i run
it once per week.
*/home/willy/Music, i run this once per month since i rarely change them.
* everything else excluding /media and /mnt and few system directories
like /dev and /sys, and i run this backup every 2 weeks, since
damaging my system could be a disaster for me since downaloding all
the programs i have installed now would take me a few months ;)

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computers and Billy Net.

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