upgrade 8.04 -> 9.04+kde3: how?

Billie Erin Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Sun Jun 14 20:15:36 UTC 2009

David Fletcher wrote:
> On Sunday 14 Jun 2009, Muzer wrote:
>> Chris Jones wrote:
>>>> I would be willing to bet that baring unforeseen catastrophes KDE 3.x
>>>> will still run twenty years from now. I have one old laptop that still
>>>> has DOS 6.2/Windows 3.1 and works just great. My old TRS80, TI-99-4A  
>>>> and
>>>> CoCo still work also.
>>> You won't be able to run KDE 3.X 20 years from now on the new machines  
>>> available then. Bet you won't have much luck installing DOS6.2/Win3.1  
>>> on new machine now ...
>> While I agree with your statement about KDE 3.X not running 20 years 
>> from now, most modern systems will take DOS/Win3.1 fine. The processor 
>> of today is still binary compatible, the graphics card of today still 
>> supports the same graphics mode as was the standard then, and the floppy 
>> drive controller has not changed (other than with some BIOSes the 
>> removal of support for 2 drives).
> One of these days, I must try installing one of my 5.25 inch floppy drives 
> again. Last time I tried this, it worked just fine, and I still have a small 
> personal supply of disks.
> Given that hardly anybody else will now have the capability to read these, it 
> should be a relatively secure method of storing small quantities of data, 
> especially if I use TrueCrypt on it.
> Dave F
> PS Whilst we're talking about past times, yesterday I was very happy to donate 
> my first computer, an Acorn System One, to the Museum of Computing in 
> Swindon :-) complete with the post marked shipping box from Cambridge (UK not 
> MA), 12th October 1979.

I've got an 8 1/2 inch dual floppy drive. Bet that would be even more 
secure. Doesn't hold much, 180K each disk, but..................

Treat all stressful situations like a dog does.
If you can't eat it or play with it, 
just pee on it and walk away

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