disk management

David McGlone david at dmcentral.net
Sun Jun 14 12:51:35 UTC 2009

On Sunday 14 June 2009 08:18:12 am Mark Greenwood wrote:
> On Sunday 14 Jun 2009 12:48:32 David Fletcher wrote:
> > On Sunday 14 Jun 2009, David McGlone wrote:
> > > Hey guys, what was the program called in KDE 3.x's control center to
> > > edit partitions, etc and is it available for 4.x?
> >
> > There's something in the system section of my menus called QTParted.
> >
> > Is that it?
> >
> > Dave
> Yeah that would be it. Under Jaunty I can't find it in the repos but you
> can install gparted, which is the gtk version of the same thing.

Ok, I installed gparted and it's not exactly what I'm looking for. I remember 
back in kde 3.x the partition manager in the control center would allow us to 
specify if users can mount/unmount the device, etc etc.

If it's QTparted as David suggested, and it's not in the repos as Mark 
suggested,(which I can't seem to find it either) I'm gonna be bummed.

It was a good tool, fast and easy to use for quick edits without having to 
remember how to edit fstab by hand.

David M.

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