Windows equivalent of 'startup'

Knapp magick.crow at
Sun Jun 14 05:58:03 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nils Kassube<kassube at> wrote:
> Ian L. Target wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply.  It is a program that I want to run at boot.  I
>> looked at rc.local and this is what was there:
> [...]
>> Is it safe to assume I just insert the path and file name before the
>> exit 0?  ie:  /home/ian/bin/fah6
> Yes.
>> (I know, I was supposed to use something like /usr/local/bin or some
>> such but this is the only program that I have installed that did not
>> come directly from a repository.)
> It is your machine after all and you are free to put your binaries where
> you want.
>> Also, is there a way to simulate a restart instead of an actual
>> re-boot?
> I don't think so.
> Nils

I think he just wants to test if this rc.local works. If so can't he
just run it from the command line? Is this not just a bash script? And
if it is, he might want to read up on bash programming so he can learn
more options and techniques.

Douglas E Knapp

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