New on kubuntu

Billie Erin Walsh bilwalsh at
Sat Jun 13 16:04:21 UTC 2009

Luis Ordaz wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new using kubuntu system and i dont even know where to start to 
> play media or to run any programs. can somebody help.

Have you ever used a Windows computer?  Kubuntu should be relatively 
easy if you have.

The little blue box down in the bottom left corner is your menu system 
to find applications. Most of them are fairly well self explanatory [ at 
least on my menu ].

For videos you will have to open a web browser [ Konqueror or Firefox ] 
and go to medibuntu. There you will find instructions on how to do what 
you want.

If you've never used a computer before start pushing buttons. It may 
break once in a while but just reinstall. If nothing else you will learn 
what NOT to do.

Treat all stressful situations like a dog does.
If you can't eat it or play with it, 
just pee on it and walk away

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