KDE 4.2.90 (KDE 4.3 Beta2)

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kubuntu.org
Thu Jun 11 07:11:14 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 17:02, Thomas Olsen<tanghus at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 June 2009 16:09:14 Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>> When did you upgrade to 4.2.90? I just had another bunch of packages
>> this morning, including kdebase-workspace packages, so maybe you are
>> missing something.
>> The dashboard widget works fine for me and I can move the systray
>> around without problems.
> Updated around 2pm CET. There was a lot of broken packages and unfulfilled
> dependences but managed to solve it. Maybe my system is just too messy by now;
> planning to do a reinstall when Karmic is released.

Well, I have learned one thing when using beta software from the "most
experimental" PPA: not to upgrade as soon as the first packages become
visible, but wait till all the basic packages needed are in the
repository. There are more than 300 packages all in all (counting of
course all the -dev, -dbg and -doc packages) and it takes several
hours, sometimes several days till everything is up. So an early rush
into the first available packages is not a good idea, you might end up
with a system in between two versions where things might well break. I
waited to see the upgradable count rise till it stopped, then checked
the version numbers to make sure none of the kdebase-* packages was
still in 4.2.85, then I upgraded and only had one single dependency
problem that solved itself a few hours later.

Re-check for upgrades to the 4.2.90 version and log in again, this
should do the trick.

Regards, Myriam
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