KDE messed up on update from Hardy to Jaunty

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Mon Jun 8 19:05:26 UTC 2009

Terrell Prude' Jr. wrote:

> My "upgrade" from Hardy to Intrepid eventually became a reinstall, and 
> personally, I'd recommend as such due to the KDE major revision issue 
> here.  The reinstall was easy for me to do because I always put /home on 
> a separate partition.  The way I partition a disk for a desktop box is 
> (usually) as follows.
> /boot = 200MB
> / = 10GB to 20GB, just in case
> /home = the rest of the disk
> Makes reinstalls very easy and wipes all that stuff in /var clean every 
> time.  In some cases, I'll make a separate /var and /tmp as well, but 
> the above is really all you need.
> --TP

Terrell, since you use the same /home, would you also suggest that 
before reinstall you rename the .kde too? Found that even for minor 
changes in kde4 version, say from kde4.1 to kde 4.2, the old settings 
can cause havoc. Can you think of anything else to watch out for?

Of course it's important to have the same user name and password.
I might add that it's very convenient to prepare a cdrom repository
from the old /var/apt/archives so any additional packages, like Gimp etc 
can be added without additional downloads. However, packages like 
mttsfonts and flash or restricted extras still go through the 
sourceforge downloads, any way to bypass this?

Goh Lip

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