4 blocked updates

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 22:13:52 UTC 2009

Donn wrote:
> On Friday, 05 June 2009 23:37:25 Willy K. Hamra wrote:
>> go to konsole and type "sudo konqueror"
> Argh! That worked for about 10 seconds and then killed my KDE session and 
> reset X ! :) I won't try it again in a hurry.
> But I didn't know that sudo had improved in this way (assuming my crash is a 
> wee bug). If sudo can open gui apps now, then I suppose kdesudo is only there 
> for a gui face to sudo. (with some extra rootness flavour regarding env vars)
> Still, it's a little messy to explain to people what does what and what to use 
> when.
> \d
aah, i should have warned you. starting with KDE 4.2.2 using sudo for an
application pops up an xmessage that if you click ok on crashes X. this
has to do with the late startup of kdeinit4 as root, i don't know why
this happens, but it takes a while, and then loads, but the system would
have already assumed kdeinit4 was not started.
i learnt most of these after installing openSUSE. over there, sudo can't
load gui programs, and kdesu still uses su as backend. but i'm used to
the ubuntu-way, so researched a lot about the sudoers file, and how to
get sudo working, then how to get sudo to ask for my own password
instead of root's password, disabling root, and finally, getting kdesu
to ask for my password which means, letting kdesu use sudo as backend
instead of su, which, while doable, proved to be a pain, and i finally
installed a kdesudo rpm i found somewhere on the net :P
all in all, it was a good learning experience that helped me know a lot
more about sudo and it's principles :)

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net

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