audio format converter

Chris Jones jonesc at
Thu Jul 30 15:01:52 UTC 2009

Brian Norman Wootton wrote:
> I have about 12 GiB of music tracks and they are a mix of
> any audio format you ever heard of. What I would like to do
> is convert them  all to one format.  I thought mp3 would be
> the most useful, but any better suggestions would be
> appreciated.
>  I have a 'how to' to do the above but it is console based,
> with lots of shell scripts.  I thought that there might be
> an X Gui based package which would take the pain out of all
> this work, but so far I've googled about with little result.
>  Any pointers gratefully received.

How about transKode ?

One word of warning though. Converting audio files from one lossy format 
to another will slightly degrade the quality of the sound, how much 
depends on the files in question and the settings you use etc. etc., but 
*some* quality will be lost. I'm not saying don't do it, just beware. If 
you are only doing it to have everything neat and tidy in one format in 
your archive, then I would do a few tests first to be sure you are happy 
with the results ...

cheers Chris

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