updates on 9.04

David McGlone david at dmcentral.net
Fri Jul 24 17:59:38 UTC 2009

On Friday 24 July 2009 11:01:38 am Stan Hughes wrote:
> Hope I am not making a pain of myself, but here is another question
> following installing 9.04 on my computer.  Formerly I was using 6.0whatever
> (dapper drake) and the updates available would appear on the on the bottom
> panel and were very easy to install.
>   In 9.04 I get a notice that 12 updates are available.  When I click on it
> says "4 security updates; 4 blocked updates".  That doesn't add up to 12. 
> How should I be getting updates?  Why would it tell me about blocked
> updates and why would they be blocked?  Am I going about this completely
> wrong?

Did you try clicking the "reload" button?

David M.

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