
Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Mon Jul 20 01:23:36 UTC 2009

Donn wrote:

> On Sunday, 19 July 2009 15:58:18 Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Every time a script is required on a web page, I get a Java Script error.
>> Some pages have 10 or more scripts, so it is annoying.
> Javascript is not Java. It's not related. So forgot that connection
> totally. Those errors probably harmless.
> The website you visit may not work 100% on Konqueror. Try Firefox.
> When it comes to Javascript, the simple answer is:
> "Ignore the javascript errors."

Even extremely well written pages often have javascript errors.  It's in the 
nature of javascript - it rarely complains, and if it doesn't break anything 
you never notice (unless you look for the error icons - or in the case of 
Firefox, it actually says "N errors" in the bottom right corner [though I 
never noticed that before I installed Firebug, so maybe it doesn't usually])

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