Can't boot new kernel image

Goh Lip g.lip at
Sun Jul 19 17:38:42 UTC 2009

Tim Johnson wrote:

>>> If unsure about partition number, at grub command, enter
>>> "find boot/grub/stage1". Output will show partitions with grub.
>   Boot partition is hd0 

Tim, the above bothers me slightly.
The output shouldn't be just hd0.

Since you can boot into hardy, albeit the older kernel,
can you go to a terminal, type in

sudo grub
           {the 'sudo' MUST be there;otherwise output will be different}

at grub prompt, ie., >grub, type in

find boot/grub/stage1
           {again, please, verify output is (hd0,x), not just (hd0)}

IF you get an output (hd0,x),
still at grub prompt, >grub, type in

root (hd0,x)   {followed by}
setup (hd0)    {followed by}

Reboot. If error message persist or clears, please let us know.

Tim, grub legacy sometimes have errors detecting disks and not setting 
the grub right into 'mbr', hopefully this is just the case in yours.

Goh Lip

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