Active X

Clay Weber claydoh at
Sat Jul 18 02:40:08 UTC 2009

On Friday 17 July 2009 1:28:49 pm Terrell Prudé Jr. wrote:
> clay weber wrote:
> > Unfortunately, drm is sort of necessary in a movie *rental* situation,
> > and I grudgingly agree with its use in a case like this. Imagine how
> > many movies I could save to my drive for my $17.95 per month
> > subscription, then cancel after a month or so.
> >
> > clay
> I guess it depends on how desperate one is to view movies online.  :-)
> Personally, I'd rather just rent the DVD than deal with that Microsoft
> SliverBlight DRM hassle.  DRM and proprietary formats are also why I
> bought a Sandisk Sansa Clip instead of one of Apple's iBlobs.
> There are alternatives.  You just need to decide how important instant
> gratification is to you and what you're willing to give up for it.
> --TP

DRM on something you purchased is not a good thing. Copy protection on 
something you are simply renting - is that evil? I don't think so. it's not 
like it is infecting one's entire system. And I won't consider installing 
Windows or buying a Mac for the convenience, though.

Watching movies on demand is something I would prefer over going to the  video 
store - it's usually closed when I am not at work. Waiting the 2-3 days for my 
next Netflix delivery is a nuisance, but so far it is not a terrible one 
(unless you count for my wife griping a bit when she doesn't have a movie to 
watch when she has run out :) )

Clay Weber

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