Switching desktops

Neil Winchurst barnaby at drofle.com
Fri Jul 17 11:16:58 UTC 2009

Neil Winchurst wrote:
> Don't know why, but suddenly I am finding that I cannot use Control + a 
> function key to switch desktops any more.
> I have searched around but to no avail so far. Can anyone point me in 
> the right direction please?
> I can use the mouse on the panel to choose a desktop, of course. but I 
> am used to using the function keys.
> I am using.Kubuntu Hardy.
> Neil Winchurst
To answer my own silly question. I realised that the function keys were 
not working at all. On my keyboard I have an F Lock key which switches 
tht F keys on and off. This was off, I must have knocked it somehow. 
Anyway, all is now well.

Sorry for the waste of time,


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