
Goh Lip g.lip at
Thu Jul 16 14:52:03 UTC 2009

Alan Dacey Sr. wrote:
> On Saturday 27 June 2009 04:31:44 pm Goh Lip wrote:
>> Alan Dacey Sr. wrote:
>>> On Saturday 27 June 2009 02:57:57 pm Goh Lip wrote:
>>>> Goh Lip wrote:
>>>>> When updating Karmic alpha2 to alpha3, grub2 was modified and grub
>>>>> legacy removed. However configfile grub.cfg was rendered unusable and
>>>>> was unable to launch any OS in it.
>>> . . .
>>>>> Anybody had similar problem?
>>>> Also, has anyone any idea of setting a dedicated grub partition using
>>>> grub2? How do you setup this partition to boot up equivalent to grub
>>>> legacy "root (hd0,x) --> setup (hd0)"?
>>>> I cannot make it work through the grub commands, must it be done only
>>>> through the main linux shell?
>>>> In other words....
>>>> grub>......doesn't work anymore?
>>>> gohlip at computername:~$.... only?
>>> I ran across this the other day, it may help you.
>>> Alan
>> Looked at the site you referred and yes, had done all the things that is
>> supposed to do and it is working as it is supposed to. I have no problem
>> setting up grub2 on Karmic.(excepting the bug which is now classified as
>> critical)
>> It is just that I have a separate partition (independent of distros)
>> '1st boot' on grub legacy and wonder how to convert this to grub2. I
>> think it can be done, but need setting this up through a linux distro
>> which utilizes grub2, unlike grub legacy which allows this to be done
>> through the 'grub shell'. So should anything happen to the distro that
>> uses grub2, I may not be able to amend or modify the grub2 partition,
>> (which happened twice in Karmic where I had to rectify through the Hardy
>> partition, ironically once because of this grub2 bug and rescued because
>> I had a dedicated grub partition)
>> I am leaving this dedicated grub partition in grub legacy until I am
>> satisfied that there will not be an issue to contend with and when grub2
>> becomes more 'settled'. I am soliciting opinions and suggestions and I
>> am grateful for your input.
>> Regards,
>> Goh Lip
> I saw problems in some of the comments when not using Karmic.  I haven't 
> played with this on my test machine yet, no time, but that sounds like a good 
> thing.  I'll either for the bug to be fixed (or for you to figure it out  :)  ).
> Alan
Latest Update:

Latest update of grub-pc of Jul 16 has resolved problem.
I'll go convert my hardy and the dedicated grub partition now to grub2.

Lindsay, I think you can update your 'brick' now and bring it back to 
life. Note: at grub2 menu, remove all instances of "--no-floppy" and go 
into your OS.

goh lip

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