Active X

clay weber claydoh at
Wed Jul 15 15:09:48 UTC 2009

Michael wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>> I called Netflix cust svc.  Nice lady, pleasant, had no idea why Netflix
>>> doesn't provide Linux compatibility.  I couldn't find an email address
>>> for their cust svc but I google for one later.
>> The Netflix site has a Contact Us link:
> I have been to that link.  I didn't see a link for sending email to 
> customer service though.  I looked again this morning and still didn't 
> see one.  When Pastor Tim told me that if I didn't stop, I'd go blind, I 
> thought he was joking.

 From what I found from searching on this subject is that as it uses 
Silverlight, it is theoretically possible to have it work using Mono, 
but the problerm is the DRM netflix needs to use. And Microsoft are not 
likely to port that over to linux :(

clay weber

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