steven vollom
stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 9 17:32:06 UTC 2009
On Thursday 09 July 2009 12:15:37 am Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jul 2009 23:41:51 -0400, steven vollom
> <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > When I attempt to install a package using kdesudo, I get to a point where
> > it
> > suggests how much space it is going to use and just stops. I don't know
> > what
> > to do to get it to continue the installation. When I use sudo, it comes
> to
> > that point and asks (y/n), I click on y and it resumes. I always try to
> > use
> > kdesudo first, but am stumped what to do in this circumstance. TIA
> >
> > Steven
> What command are you using Steven? something like:
> kdesudo apt-get install <package> ?
> Do you run it form a terminal/konsole or via krunner? (Alt-F2)
> --
> Lindsay Mathieson
> http://blackpaw.jalbum.net/home/
Thanks for the reply Lindsay. Many have instructed that I use kdesudo rather
than sudo. Unable to remember the differences yet, I always start my command
line entry with kdesudo instead of sudo.
When I use kdesudo, a window opens to ask for the password. When I use sudo,
the command line asks for the password.
When I apply a command like for instance:
kdesudo apt-get install <package>, much of the work the comuter does takes
place on the screen, in this case about 8 inches of dialogue is printed. When
it gets to the point where in sudo it askes if you want to (y/n) use the
additional space required. the cursor just remains blinking at the end of the
printed material. It happens just after it says the additional space it needs
to continue, but it does not give any instruction how to continue.
I wait for quite a while in case there is a lot happening in the background,
but eventually I just open a new shell and type in sudo apt-get install
<package>. When sudo gets to the selfsame point, it gives you the (y/n)
option; I select 'y' and the installation continues.
I am missing something pretty basic again, am I not, Lindsay. Sorry to be
such a burden.
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