Windows equivalent of 'startup'

Thomas Olsen tanghus at
Tue Jul 7 10:47:23 UTC 2009

On Sunday 14 June 2009 11:10:48 Muzer wrote:
> Plonk a symlink or a shell script to it in ~/.kde/Autostart

I'm trying to start GCALDaemon from ~/.kde/Autostart. It's located in 
/usr/local/bin/GCALDaemon/bin and the executable script is called standalone- First I just made a symlink but the the java libraries couldn't be 
found. The I made this small script:


cd /usr/local/bin/GCALDaemon/bin/

but then it says:

.kde/Autostart/ 5: not found

The 'pwd' command is just to check that I'm in the correct dir.
Have I forgotten something totally basic about shell scripting?

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

  Thomas Olsen

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