4.2 LCD weather plasmoid

David McGlone d.mcglone at att.net
Sat Jan 31 02:01:55 UTC 2009

On Friday 30 January 2009 4:54:50 pm P Kapat wrote:
> On 1/30/09, Jonas Norlander <jonorland at gmail.com> wrote:
> > 2009/1/30 Paul Kaplan <pkaplan1 at comcast.net>:
> >> After configuring the LCD weather plasmoid to an active US weather
> >> station, the
> >> data appear in the plasmoid window for a few seconds and then the
> >> plasmoid crashes, causes plasma to restart and resets all the desktop
> >> configuration settings to the 4.2 default.
> >>
> >> Has anyone else seen this?  Is there a fix?  Can anyone suggest a
> >> good/better
> >> weather plasmoid for 4.2?
> >> Paul
> >
> > Not with just that plasmoid but it happens several times with others
> > that plasma crashed for me when I testing out the plasmoids in 4.2.
> > Plasma looks like its a bit unstable. I kept my ~/.kde folder but have
> > seen suggestions to delete it when upgrading to 4.2.
> I have seen this too - LCD, Comic viewer, file watcher... Just log out
> log in and try doing it again.. It has worked. The first time they
> always crash - like a baby trying to stand up for the first time!! A
> bit ridiculous, but better than crashing all the time. So, 4.2 is
> still buggy but tolerable!

Yes it is. the notes plasmoid isn't working, not that I used it much, but 
overall I still like 4.2

David M.

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