Asus EEEpc 1000

David McGlone d.mcglone at
Mon Jan 26 22:32:03 UTC 2009

On Monday 26 January 2009 5:26:50 pm Nils Kassube wrote:
> David McGlone wrote:
> > Crack WEP with 300 PS3's maybe 600 PS3's will do the job ;-)
> I have news for you - news from 2007 that is:
> <>
> WEP encryption can be cracked in under a minute. And I couldn't find
> anything about the necessity of PS3's. From the original paper:
> | The required computational effort is approximately 2^20 RC4 key setups,
> | which on current desktop and laptop CPUs is negligible.
> Could it be you meant WPA instead of WEP?

Probably. I heard something about someone cracking one or the other with 300 
PS3's. I didn't delve into it, but heard about it in passing somewhere. 

David M.

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