Free Downtown Dayton Internet service.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Jan 22 12:37:19 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 21 January 2009 8:25:41 pm Derek Broughton wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
> > I just tried to change my ISP to Cincinnati Bell, to get cheaper and
> > faster
> > service.  They told me that I could connect free to the downtown
> > free-service, because I am in live in the area.  My laptop is broken ,
> > but I
> > have a router with antenna.  They said I would have to purchase their
> > wireless service to connect to it.
> What part of "purchase" is "free"?
> Sounds like a scam to me.
Here in Dayton, to promote the Downtown area, they have included free internet 
service.  It works pretty well.  Lots of people hang out downtown in the 
coffee shops with their computers and socialize becuase of it.  Lots of 
students in Dayton.  My studio is very close to the downtown area and is in 
the area of free service.  I am so stupid that I never thought of it before 
now.  Anyway my laptop broke a week after I purchased it; it was used so 
there was no recourse.  It never occurred to me to hook my PC to it.  I think 
that the service is probably not a part of the need.  I think that it was not 
figured when the City started the promotion and therefore has caused them to 
lose a lot of downtown service business.  Anyway, unless you have to have 
some code connection to a wireless service to make your laptop modem to 
connect, it makes sense that you could use it free without having service in 
the area you are located.

When a person with a laptop goes on a business trip, is he charged connection 
fees when out of his home area?  Or is he able to connect to any available 
signal where he is currently located, eliminating the ISP from collecting a 
fee?  An interesting thought.

Thanks for the input.  Enjoy the day.


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