How do I install a .bin. I downloaded a Java plugin needed to run some tests by the isp.

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Wed Jan 21 22:07:25 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 January 2009 2:47:34 pm David McGlone wrote:
>> it worked, you need to use the down arrow key to scroll down to the bottom
>> or use page down button until you get to the bottom and accept the terms
>> and it will install.
> I don't think so.  When I attempt to scroll down, it makes a boink sound.

If you are using "more", I believe you need to scroll down by pressing
enter, not the down arrow (I know this is unintuitive).  Any character
but enter will result in the sound (system bell).  When you get to the
end, pressing enter will exit more, and then presumably you will be
prompted to agree to the EULA.

Matt Flaschen

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