Lost icon for desktops

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 17:24:00 UTC 2009

Art Alexion said the following at 01/21/2009 09:25 AM :
> On Wednesday 21 January 2009 10:53:37 am D. R. Evans wrote:
>> Much quicker than
>> e-mailing this reflector.
> That's an unfair criticism.  That statement could be said about 90% of the 
> traffic on this list.  I wonder what the point of the list would be if being 
> able to solve a problem quickly was a criterion for not asking...
> I thought Georgi's question was legitimate.

It wasn't a criticism at all, and the question was certainly legitimate. So
was my response, which is simply a statement. It is indeed much quicker to
look in Add Widgets than to ask here.


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