HD Problem

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 16:36:49 UTC 2009

lists at ptfd.org said the following at 01/20/2009 09:18 AM :

> Now I have been arguing with Seagate, they say there drive is fine, cause it 
> passes their DOS seatools diagnostics. This reminds me of why I have not 
> purchased a seagate drive for many years, just a moment of weakness I guess!

That's very odd. Normally you should simply be able to send them the SMART
output and that should be the end of the issue: they should replace it with
no further questions asked.

I suggest you insist on escalating the issue. Eventually, you should be
able to reach someone who knows what SMART is, and at that point you should
be fine.


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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