How do I unite cd1 to cd2? Is Kino the tool?

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Fri Jan 16 16:57:01 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> steven at Studio25:~$ file /media/sda7/"0 Jerusalem I"
>> /media/sda7/0 Jerusalem I: ERROR: cannot open `/media/sda7/0 Jerusalem
>> I' (No such file or directory)
>> steven at Studio25:~$ file /media/sda7/"0 Jerusalem II"
>> /media/sda7/0 Jerusalem II: ERROR: cannot open `/media/sda7/0 Jerusalem
>> II' (No such file or directory)
>> steven at Studio25:~$
> As you see, you cannot quote only part of the path with quotes.

Actually, you can.  That particular error is because he substituted 0
(zero) for O (oh).

Matt Flaschen

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