I need help installing a .deb package.

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Wed Jan 7 18:45:24 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 06 January 2009, Steven Vollom wrote:
> Thank you for your kind response.  Jussi, I am an old man, and I cannot
> afford any more monthly expense.  Do I need to purchase something that
> identifies me as a trustworthy site?  If it is more than a small annual
> fee, I cannot do it.  Thank you.

I think you're going to find that *any* configuration program, be it webmin or 
Ebox, is going to require you to know a LOT about configuring.

There is no magic bullet for configuration.

I don't use webmin any more for this reason.  Too many knobs and twiddles that 
I don't know about.   I do most of my configuring manually.

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