Only with List permission.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Jan 5 07:48:22 UTC 2009

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Sunday 04 January 2009, Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I have and am being hurt by a hardware supplier.  May I post what they have
>> done and are continuing to do to me?  I am angry, of course, but mostly I
>> want to save members from a like situation.  As much as I want to because
>> they deserve the spanking, I won't unless with the permission of the List.
>> Steven                P.S.:  If not, I will respond to any private inquiry
>>                                    from those who also do not want to be
>>                                    abused.
> My opinion:   keep that kind of thing off-list.
Thanks Bruce.  It is not a desire for revenge, it is a desire to help 
you who help me from getting caught in the same unethical behavior.  I 
will respect your wishes.


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