How to switch from gnome to kde?

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Fri Jan 2 03:52:10 UTC 2009

On Thursday 01 January 2009, Karl Klinger wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Thursday 01 January 2009, Pastor JW wrote:
>>> On Thursday 01 January 2009 4:10:00 pm Jonathan Jesse wrote:
>>>> I think we are missing a bigger problem....  I think you mentioned X is
>>>> not starting automatically?  Is that true?  Are you have video card
>>>> issues that I may have missed earlier
>>> Since it doesn't get to the login screen couldn't one just type kdm or
>>> gdm directly into the terminal and see the errors which would cause it to
>>> fail?
>> That I hadn't tried.  The too much forest & can't find the tree syndrome.
>> :) I'll do that tomorrow for grins.
>The usual way to start kdm is "/etc/init.d/kdm start".  This script uses
>the start-stop-daemon command to start kdm.

Thanks.  I'll give that a shot tomorrow too.

Cheers, Gene
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