Hidden Memubar does not drop down when I put cursor in upper left corner. **RESOLVED**

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 2 01:36:57 UTC 2009

On Thursday 01 January 2009 6:46:49 pm Karl Klinger wrote:
> Karl Klinger wrote:
> > Steven Vollom wrote:
> >>> And with that, I can predict that your machine will never behave itself
> >>> until that is fixed, probably with good memory.  Sometimes dumpster
> >>> diving might find something usable?
> >>
> >> Does the memory have to be completely free from error to be acceptable?
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > Karl
> I have read that memory problems may be due to poor connections between
> the memory slots and the memory modules.  You could try pulling out the
> memory, cleaning the connectors, and putting it back in.  This might
> save you having to buy new memory.
> Karl

You are so amazing, Karl.  I will try that.  You are making me laugh.  I 
realize things are not funny here, but unexpected happiness makes me laugh.  
I will use alcohol unless you again reply.  I tell you this so that if it is 
a proper cleaning agent you won't have to reply again.  I also plan to run a 
complete test after the cleaning.  If the connection points are clean, and 
there are no errors, I will post the conclusions for the sake of others.  
Thanks again friend.  I am going to post this as Resolved.  I left the above 
instead of removing irrelevant parts so that people will know the process, 
because I am posting resolved.



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