Has anyone figured out how to play a .wmv file in Intrepid KDE 4.2

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 24 14:59:04 UTC 2009

 My guess is that
> you are  missing w32codecs/w64codecs or kubuntu-restricted-extras
> those packages have support for most restricted formats. 

steven at Yesua:~$ dpkg -l |grep w32codecs
ii  w32codecs                                  20071007-0medibuntu3                        
Win32 codec binaries
steven at Yesua:~$

You can see that they are installed 'ii'.

It has to be something else.  I also, believe this is the first of problems on 
a fresh install of Intrepid, so although I have made other changes over the 
last couple of days, this was the first after formatting and reinstalling 
Intrepid.  I could be wrong about that, but as I recall, this was one of the 
main reasons for the new install.


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