OT Both my HDD's going bad at same time.

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Tue Feb 24 07:48:29 UTC 2009

Pastor JW wrote:
> On Friday 20 February 2009 4:51:06 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>> There is an offer on Ebay for either a Maxtor or Seagate Exterior HD for
>> $70.   I can't afford to lose my data,  Since I have never found a HDD that
>> advertised the ability to handle Ext3, I am in a dilemma what to purchase.
> I'd go with anything but a Maxtor.  I've never had one even reach the end of 
> their warranty.  They do replace them but your data is gone.  I don't know 
> what your data is worth but mine is worth much more than the $60.00 it cost 
> me to go with a brand of drive that has a warranty of five years. 
While a warranty of five years is great, it does not protect your data 
in any way. Not if the drive breaks within warranty nor if it will break 
after warranty.

So you cannot use your harddisk for securing your data. For this you 
need to use your backup.

Remember: Any harddisk will fail, the only question is, when it will do so.


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