No sound, Kubuntu Intrepid KDE 4.2

Brendan mailinglist at
Mon Feb 23 16:09:02 UTC 2009

On Monday 23 February 2009, you wrote:
> > Honestly, I've been losing sound in KDE 4.2 as well lately. Just in the
> > middle of doing various tasks, KDE will pop up a dialog saying that sound
> > components have been removed from the system. Reboots fix it, but it
> > happens randomly. Haven't cared enough to debug.
> What is "lately"? Did it start happening after an update / install?

Can't say, as I have been in Xfce for weeks, as KDE seems to have a video 
issue with my Intel graphics (whole screen goes milky green and hangs). I 
recently went back into KDE with all updates and the sound issue happened 
again and again. Shame, as I use it on my other box, and it works great. I've 
tried debugging both issues, to no avail.

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