How do I remove the confirmation window from trash? " Do you really want to empty trash?"

Martin Laberge mlsoft at
Fri Feb 20 23:52:11 UTC 2009

On Friday 20 February 2009 17:47:08 Steven Vollom wrote:
> > at the end, just go to trash and empty trash one time.
> I load my hard drives and remove large quantities of data regularly.  Many 
> times I am working close to full with a partition, so I have gotten in the 
> habit of emptying trash quite often and thinning out marginally necessary 
> material.  It has become a habit.
> But each time I empty trash, which is a many times reoccurring process, I am 
> upset by the act of an unnecessary mouse click.  It is really such a seemingly 
> unimportant little thing, but I don't seem to be able to overcome the annoyed 
> feeling.  My memory won't let me identify the other times it happens when it 
> doesn't involve trash, but I do remember how that notice annoys me, every time 
> it appears in whatever situation it arises.  It is kind of like a scratch you 
> can't itch.
> I thought maybe there was a check box that I haven't noticed that I could un-
> check, or a simple command that I could learn and use whenever the intrusion 
> appeared in another package.  I can't remember a single time the warning saved 
> me from doing something that would hurt me, but I also can't count all the 
> times the phrase has annoyed me.  I wish I knew how to write a program.  I 
> would take the required time to figure out how to do what I want, it irritates 
> me that much.  
> My freedom has been oppressed many times in my life, so perhaps it is just the 
> lack of choice in the situation that bothers me.  Having to do the will of 
> others when it is not fair or just also may be the cause.  Nonetheless my life 
> would be a thousand unnecessary clicks better if I could figure a way to do 
> this.  I have been trying, off and on, for about 15 years.
> I respect your solutions and am grateful for you help, I have heard many 
> different ways to accept and cope.  Unfortunately they haven't worked for me.
> I once was given a perscription for a drug that aligned the platelets in my 
> blood to make them pass through my arteries easier.  I was allergic to the 
> drug that helped so many other people.  My hands would swell up like balloons.  
> When they were at their largest, the center of my hands would itch, deep 
> beneath the skin.  Even though scratching would not reduce the itch, I was 
> compelled to scratch.  I scratched completely through the skin and bled.  
> Logic told me that scratching would not help so I shouldn't do it, however, I 
> could not NOT do it.  I was compelled.  I still have the scars to confirm my 
> story.  This unbelievably small issue is like that for me.  It is embarrassing 
> that I am so weak that I cannot accept the task without being annoyed.  But 
> when it comes right down to it, a person can not do what he can not do, until 
> he can do it.  So I will be compelled to be annoyed until I am not annoyed, I 
> guess.  Thanks friend.
> Steven

It is logical, wise, and possible to move things to trash without confirmation.

It is Unwise, and Illogical to empty a trash without confirmation, when this act
would implicitely and immediately scrap full of data who are now recuperable
and will not be anymore after this act.

It is unwise also to remove (delete , scrap) without confirmation, in any GUI.

Good user interface know it, and are done accordignly.

The only way I know to overcome it, is to open the source, and change it to your likings.
For sure I do not recommend you do this, even if you can, 
cause YOU will be exposed to unexplained deletion of contents
without your consent, which is always very sad when comes the time of realisation.

As a short term, be allways absolutely sure when you delete.

And you can bet I am very sure when I hit Yes/Accept/Enter/Do/...

Being sure, has no price, primarily when you delete.



for no confirmation for deletion of files

You can use the command line.

cd ~/Directory/subdir
rm TheFilesToDelete* AndTheOtherFile AndAnotherOne

This way nobody will ask you anything, and this 
will be absolutely sure the space is clear just now.

Martin Laberge
mlsoft at
30 Years of Unix Admin, and still learning...

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