Intrepid 32bit KDE 4.2 Alt Tab for changing pages. And Mouse to upper left corner.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Feb 19 09:28:01 UTC 2009

There are desktop extras that allow you to have several pages open on a single 
desktop and by holding tab down and clicking Alt you can leaf though 
applications and stop at the one you want.  Additionally, you can move the 
mouse to the upper left hand corner of the desktop, and all the pages that are 
open will arrange them selves at a size that will show them all without 
overlapping.  When you highlight the one you want to have on top, it 
automatically makes the change.  Both are very functional features.  
Nonetheless, I screwed up.  I just sat there looking and enjoying what I was 
seeing and they timed out.  Now they are not active benefits, and I don't know 
to get them back.  Please help me get them back; I understand what not to do 
now.  Thanks in advance.

Steven                                       I just love Intrepid.

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