Letters lag behind my keyboard strokes. Intrepid 32bit KDE 4.2
mailinglist at endosquid.com
Thu Feb 19 06:48:14 UTC 2009
On Thursday 19 February 2009, Steven Vollom wrote:
> "Checking with top will let him know what's stealing the system time...."
> I don't understand what this means. ??top??. I am the only one using my
> machine. No one ever comes over, so I don't know who to check with. If it
> is my use of the computer, I multi-task all the time, I always have.
> Recently I had to remove a 512mb stick of memory because it was causing
> problems, so I am currently only with a remaining 512mb. Is that the
> reason? Too many apps running to print the letters? If so thanks for the
> info.
Okie dokie. Top is just a command one would run on the command line, but you
don't have to use that. "Krunner" or the "Run command" should have a button
on it to launch the system monitor. You just have to figure out what process on
your computer is sucking up all the juice.
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