My computer time and date in the bios don't agree with the time and date shown on my desktop.

Norberto Bensa nbensa at
Sun Feb 15 03:37:28 UTC 2009

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 1:04 AM, Steven Vollom
<stevenvollom at> wrote:
> When I restarted the computer to have the 8.10 Intrepid 32
> Bit install, the computer did not stop at the CD and install as intended.
> Yet the CD was set to boot first.

Some computers start too fast and do not give the CD unit time to stabilize.

Try to press F8 while your machine is booting. A "boot menu" should
appear. Wait a few seconds with the CD in the drive and then chose
"boot from CD". I know my wording may not be exact so consult your
computer/motherboard manual for the exact key combination for the
"boot menu"

> Thanks, Norberto, for the prompt response on my request.

I just come to Kubuntu after seven years using Gentoo. You'll have to
patient with me as I do not know many of the aspects of
Ubuntu/Kubuntu, but I'll try my best :-)

> Steven


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