Subject: Using all new components with no OS installed, , > How do I, install the BIOS. Intrepid 64 at completion.

Derek Broughton derek at
Sat Feb 14 00:35:41 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom wrote:

>> Recommended, right on the package arctic silver comes in, is to put on a
>> vinyl throwaway glove, put a dab about the size of a book match head on
>> the end of the finger, and spread it as thin as it will go.
> Thanks Gene, I hate to admit it, but even with my glasses on, I can not
> read the print on the arctic silver tube.  

LOL.  Doesn't that just tell us exactly where Linux has come to?  Unix/Linux
used to be a toy for young hackers - or at least a tool for young
engineers.  Now most of us here are probably old enough to be suffering
middle-age short arm disease.  I used to be short-sighted - I _could_ read
that stuff.  Now I go out for a nice meal and have to take my reading
glasses so that I can read the label on the wine bottle...

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