Is it possible to transfer data directly from one user to another user's desktop?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Feb 2 11:23:37 UTC 2009

> Note: I used the "-i" option for the cp command because the you will be
> asked if you want to overwrite the file in /home/user2 if it exists
> already.

This computer is so buggy all the time, I just want to be able to avoid the 
stress of the problem you helped me solve today.  Both desktops are me; I am 
alone and don't share a computer, however, if I get in a crunch, I will have 
a ready to go backup just by switching user.
> > Additionally, addressbook entries and saved emails.  Is it possible?
> That can be done the same way but it depends on your email program and
> it's settings where you can find the data.

I have two; kmail and Thunderbird.  Each are a backup while on the same 
desktop; now I want to have a duplicate user that I can transfer when in 
trouble.  I think it will relieve the pressure I had today.  I am still 
recovering from from extreme high blood pressure.  When the pressure gets 
like today, I am unable to think accurately, sometimes my mind is a blank 
from the pressure.  I make mistakes like I did today.  I think I can avoid 
being such a problem if I create this backup.  Some day when I can handle it, 
I would like to make partitions in virtual reality to perhaps accomplish the 
same task in an easier way.  I am not ready for it yet.

> Nils

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