
Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Sun Feb 1 04:09:13 UTC 2009

On Saturday 31 January 2009 10:30:09 am Pastor JW wrote:

To update my findings on this matter I manually added to the 
Domain Name System in Knetwork-Manager and the browser will now go to those 
two it wouldn't before!  Don't know if that is a permanent fix or why it 
happened in the first place however.  I guess I'll do a cold reboot and see 
if it saved the configuration like I added it.  :)  Nope, it was removed by 
network-manager during reboot.  Adding it manually again makes it work again 
until of course I shut down the laptop.  So when did network-manager last 
update and what did they change which made this happen?  Problem with dumping 
network-manager is then I'd have to set up each hotspot manually to use it 
during my day of travels.  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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