SW for making notes on reading text file.

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 21:07:55 UTC 2009

2009/12/27 john_re <john_re at fastmail.us>:
> What's great sw that enables commenting, underlining & highlighting in colors onto text or html files?  Like what one could do while reading print materials - magazine or book?
> So, I'd like to use this on a web page with any "article" like text. & also on regular .txt plain text files.
> Anyone use this currently?  I'm thinking today's college students, who are doing lots of reading, & likely more & more computer downloaded material, might be a large category of users for this.

It's a interesting idea but I don't know of any software that has all
this functions though there is many note taking applications. Perhaps
it's something that Nepomuk and KDE semantic desktop should look into.

For online web pages there is WebNotes http://www.webnotes.net/ . I
Haven't tried it but it looks Ok and has a free version.
If you find any good program let us know.

/ Jonas

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