Ubuntu 9.10 with Grub 2 installed in partition unable to boot

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Sun Dec 20 15:15:17 UTC 2009

On 20/12/09 19:13, Tom H wrote:

> However, grub-setup has an "-f" flag to force an installation and I
> have seen reports in fora of its use to install grub2 to a VBR. I have
> never used it so I cannot attest to its functionality and/or
> reliability.

Tom, I think use of 'grub-setup' is to be discouraged. It's a 'sub-set' 
of grub-install and wherever possible, use grub-install instead.

ps: wanted to ask you to refer to page on this. Luckily checked at 
Wikipedia meaning of 'in fora'. Thought my latin's not so good :)


Goh Lip

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