[Gimp-user] Installing 2.6.7 in Ubuntu

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 11:43:54 UTC 2009

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Brendan<mailinglist at endosquid.com> wrote:
>> > From this article :
>> > http://lazyubuntu.com/how-to-install-gimp-267-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackal
>> >ope.html I assume that the gegl and babl libraries are included in one of
>> > the GetDeb packages.
>> I cannot understand why Ubuntu is celebrated for its ease of use,
>> considering how many people complain about similar issues and suggest so
>> complicated solutions.
> You're right. We must all be wrong to celebrate it. Thank you for setting me
> straight.

Ya and if you REALLY want to know why we celebrate having a FREE and a
FREE system that is this easy to use go install a copy of Linux Gentoo
or maybe I should say Slackware. (I am not putting these down but they
are not made for newbies).

While you are out there thinking about that, I suggest you go and see
how much a copy of MS Vista, MS office, Photoshop, a good virus
checker and whatever else you need is compared to what you are
complaining about. Then while you are itstalling that software, I
suggest you get a stop watch and time yourself. Then count how many
times you rebooted. Next install the same stuff with Kubuntu and all
the same benchmarks. Don't forget the time it takes your to read and
understand both systems legal documents.

Douglas E Knapp

Why do we live?

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