Upgraded from Hardy to Jaunty, now only sound in KDE 4 apps

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kubuntu.org
Mon Aug 31 10:52:21 UTC 2009

Hi Matthew,

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:17, Matthew
Flaschen<matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu> wrote:

> Thank you.  I did:
> sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio vlc-plugin-pulse
> sudo apt-get install vlc libvlc2 libvlccore0
> rm ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc
> then killed X (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace), logged back in, then ran:
> asoundconf set-default-card Intel
> This last part was prompted by some part of update-manager/Adept.

Why? This should not be necessary, and it is probably the source of
the problem you experience. Just remove .asoundconf from your home
folder and do *not* run that, Phonon can handle this alone. Of course
you will need to restart KDE. Do not kill the X server, that is bad
practice and should only be done when no other possibility exists, log
out of KDE, as simple as that. Killing the X server means that the
running applications don't have time to shut down correctly, and any
application settings can't be saved. If you really want to kill the X
server, do it by Alt+SysRq+K so that the applications can shut down

> Probably, what really fixed it was removing pulseaudio and phonondevicesrc

Not "probably", that for sure fixed it :) Pulseaudio is not meant to
run with KDE at all, it is not necessary, there are enough tools
available and Alsa + Phonon can handle sound perfectly well, no need
to reinvent the wheel and implement it in such a bad manner. If only
the pulseaudio configuration would have been done with KDE in mind,
but by default it is set up for Gnome and Gnome applications, totally
ignoring KDE specific settings, and it breaks the sound. Let's hope
that, if the Ubuntu people force Pulseaudio down our KDE throats in
Karmic, there will at least be a correct setup and no need to tweak
settings for half an hour...

Sorry for that rant, but since the release of Jaunty we suffer in KDE
support and in Amarok from problems related to pulseaudio, it's
sickening :(

Regards, Myriam.

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