Flash on Firefox 3.5

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Sun Aug 30 15:22:29 UTC 2009

It would appear that on Aug 29, Kaj Haulrich did say:

> On Saturday 29 August 2009 14:45:31 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > It doesn't look like the tar.gz knows where to put the
> > libflashplayer.so file. And I'm sure I don't know where. (As I
> > mentioned above, I really don't care which browser it works in as
> > long as it works in at least one. But I'd like to make it work in
> > as many of my browsers as possible so, I guess what I'm asking is
> > after I do the:
> >
> > # apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin  flashplugin-installer --purge
> >
> > 1) Where do I put the libflashplayer.so file???
> > 2) What symlinks do I need to make to get firefox to use it??
> > 3) Are there any simlinks I can make to get opera to use it??
> > 4) Are there any simlinks I can make to get konqueror to use it??
> > 5) Do I need to do anything from within any of the above browsers
> > to get them to use it? Like for example, in firefox Do I have to
> > manually edit anything in "edit->Preferences->applications"???

> ad 1) Depends... where did you extract it? - If you can't find it, 
> then first 'sudo updatedb' and 'locate libflashplayer.so'. 

I hadn't yet, I like to know where I'm untarring what... So I started
with a tar -tzf ... And decided to ask. If there isn't any better
place, then I may as well put it in /usr/local/lib. And then symlink
it from there to the <browser>/plugins dirs, as you describe... 
> ad 2) Under every browser listed in /usr/lib/ you'll find a 
> 'plugins' directory. When you've found the downloaded and extracted 
> libflashplayer.so you must create a symbolic link to it within those 
> 'plugins'-directories. Easiest way, if your'e not a CLI artist, is 
> to 'sudo dolphin' and point it to where you found the 
> libflashplayer.so. Then, split the window and navigate the right 
> pane to /usr/lib/<browser name>/plugins. Finally, drag the 
> libflashplayer.so from the left pane to the right, and choose 'link 
> here'. Proceed with every browser you have. Close dolphin and 
> restart browser.

Well I don't know that I'm a CLI "artist" I think I'd need to have a
better understanding for that. But I'm very much GUI incompatible.
So for me the process would be to put extract the file to:
cd /usr/lib/<browser name>/plugins
man ln # to refresh my memory if it's 1) 'link source-file' or 2) 'source-file link'
# Oh, it's 2... in which case:
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libflashplayer.so libflashplayer.so
(check browsers for flash functionality. And as needed,
cd /usr/lib/<browser name>/plugins
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libflashplayer.so libflashplayer.so

Even with my fat fingers, I could have 3 symlinks this way faster than
my mouse skills could successfully drag the right file to the other
side of the screen, just once...

> ad 3) If you've done as desrcibed, and put a symlink in 
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins then Opera should work as well. If not, 
> just put the symlink in /usr/lib/opera/plugins.

Putting the symlink in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins solved this for both
firefox AND opera... One small annoyance: Closeing the player window
from http://www.937mikefm.com in either firefox, or opera causes the
browser to crash... But it does work... which is mor than I can say
for the flash stuff I got via apt-get...

There was also a slight wrinkle that kaffeine lost the ability to play
encrited dvd's... I did an "apt-cache search dvd" And installed
several packages from the resulting list... Now the dvd player works

> ad 4) Same as 3).

Konqueror is another story: there doesn't seam to be a /usr/lib/konqueror
dir...  Konqueror still told me I needed to install flash untill opened
it's "configure konqueror" And told it to scan for plugins... Then it
almost worked but with konqueror the player never finishes developing.
But since it works in both firefox & Opera, I don't care about it not
working there.  

> ad 5) Only a restart. Exception: Google Chrome - where you'll have 
> to edit the command in the menu editor by adding: ' --enable 
> plugins'.

Don't think I got Google Chrome. What is it? And would Kubuntu have
automatically installed it???

But lets not forget the all important step 6...

6) Thank the helpful expert...

Thank you Kaj Haulrich, may your kindness come back to you and bless you a thousandfold.

|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	^		J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~	     <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>

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