Startup and Shutdown Sound Volume

Frans Ketelaars ketelaars at
Mon Aug 24 17:59:47 UTC 2009

On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 19:30:56 +0300, Willy Hamra wrote:

> i have the same problem and question. i have 2 speakers wich don't have
> a volume control, they are always set at the loudest. i have to control
> them from the OS's volume control. for all sounds, this works perfectly.
> but the startup sound doesn't abide by the volume specified in kmix,
> which is quite annoying, specially while working at night.

Well, maybe the startup sound is played _before_ the KDE desktop is 
loaded, and kmix may not yet have _restored_ your 'normal' volume levels.

There should be several solutions, but the simplest one may be to just 
locate (1) the startup sound file and use a sound editor like audacity to 
lower the sound level :)


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