Need code for Internet connection

Perry pwhite at
Sun Aug 23 16:08:41 UTC 2009

Le Sunday 23 August 2009 16:10:15 S B, vous avez écrit :
> Link to my recent topic at Kubuntu Forum:


I have no experience with internet through cell phone but if you really have 
to install programs from internet your are in a catch 22 situation.

Perhaps you can get acces to cabled or wifi internet someplace where you can 
work on your problem.
It is also possible to add a CD to your repos, but I newer tried myself to 
create such a CD (you could do that form M$, since you have dual boot)... 
perhaps someone here can help.

BTW, did you install from a CD or a DVD? I ask because I have a vague notion 
those can be added to the repos, and of course the DVD would be more 
complete. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Cheers		Perry

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